Awareness, punctuality and efficiency in airport ground operations

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Gestione Risorse Aeroportuali

Airport operations and logistics consist of multiple, complex and intertwined processes, which must be duly planned, synchronized and executed like the elements of a symphonic concert.IT systems have become a crucial factor to provide accurate service performance at competitive costs.
In a world of low-price air transportation and tight fare structures, rising operating costs can only be matched with effective operations on the ground.
The modular and integrated airport management system GroundStar is key to meet the challenge of efficient operations.
Due to the long lead times in airport construction the resources planning process begins years ahead of the day of operation, and it must be redone and maintained alongside an always-changing environment.
When the day of operation approaches, too-frequent irregularities must be handled in such a way that negative effects on the overall service performance and on the cost of the operation are avoided or at least minimized, while looking after the safety and security of the operation.

GroundStar is structured in streamlined Core Processes which cover the various phases of the on-going operation.
Because of the diversity of the many areas involved in this operation, GroundStar provides additional, specialized support to the individual areas through Application Packages which address each area's specific operational needs.
To integrate itself within the environment in which it operates, GroundStar also offers Integration Packages including both predefined integration and interfacing options, and customized interfaces.
Around the backbone of a robust Airport Operational Database, GroundStar provides the platform to manage processes and data flows in a most efficient way. Manual work and cobweb-type interfacing to legacy systems disappear.
A message-broker, automated mobile communications and web browsing enable the availability of information when and where it is needed.
GroundStar have led to savings in excess of 11 % and often significantly higher, with typical ROIs of 5 to 15 months.

GroundStar solutions:

Sirius Technology is the Italian Partener of INFORM Software for: 



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